Why Pet Acupuncture? Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles along meridian lines. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), these Meridian lines were understood to be the body’s channels of energy. TCM believes that disease is borne out of energy imbalances, and the insertion of fine needles along these energy channels help to rebalance the body, […]
Read moreFor over forty years, laser therapy has been used as an alternative treatment. Pet laser therapy is sterile, needle- and pain-free. Laser therapy provides relief from inflammation such as that seen with fractures and other injuries, skin wounds, and arthritis. What does the treatment involve? Using a small, non-invasive hand piece (like a wand) a […]
Read moreWhat is Cryotherapy? Cryotherapy is a cold-based therapy, used in the treatment of tumours, warts and skin conditions. It is curative for a number of ailments, including mouth tumours, skin tags, warts, keratosis, lentigo, lesions, and benign skin imperfections. Cryotherapy administers extreme cold to a specific area of your pet’s skin. The cold penetrates […]
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